Active Directory Domain

  • Deployed a Windows Server 2016 virtual machine to simulate a main server/domain controller, as well as a Windows 10 VM to serve as an IT help desk machine. Installed the AD Roles and Features service onto the server and enabled Advanced Features on AD Users and Computers, to allow a more extensive overview of containerized users, computers, organizational units, etc.
  • Installed various Remote Server Administrator Tools (RSAT) onto the Windows 10 help desk VM. Thus, allowing more extensive capabilities for IT administrators to better remotely manage Windows Server roles and features, without requiring direct access to the domain controller.
  • Configured static IP addresses on both the server and help desk VMs to ensure a connection can always be made between the two, as well as any other machines that join the domain.
  • Joined the Windows 10 help desk VM to the company domain and installed TeamViewer to enable remote access connections to/from the machine for client troubleshooting.
  • Created multiple Organizational Units to organize users and properly isolate them within their configured roles and NTFS file permissions. Implemented Group Policies per OU to ensure all users have only minimally required system access.
  • Created a dedicated Share folder for HR and configured a Security Group to properly allocate file permissions and ensure only authorized individuals can access the folder. Mapped the Shared HR folder to a network drive that is automatically enabled for each user who's authorized to access it, upon their login to the domain.
  • Joined an additional Windows 10 VM to the DunderMifflin domain which will act as an end-user that requires assistance. Simulated an end-user's account lockout due to incorrect password entries. Utilized AD Users and Computers on the help desk VM to locate specified user and manually unlock their account.
  • Installed PDQ onto the domain controller to enable the installation of software on the backend for users, as well as remote hardware inventory of client machines to better be able to assess them.